Bob Marley & The Wailers


Quoi de neuf ?


 Complete Official Digital Anthology

This part is dedicated to the officially released part of Bob Marley & The Wailers discography. Wishing to get the exhaustive discography avoiding duplicates or mistakes is nearly impossible. Also, the recordings are unequal and some collections have better sound than others. The "Bob Marley & The Wailers Compared Discography" can be of some help here.

Then, I undertook the crazy task of compiling a complete anthology, selecting the best sound for every track, equalizing sound level and dynamic, and arranging CD layout in accordance, more or less, with history. Hundreds of hours again. Here is the result, these CDs replace all what I owned so far.

You'll probably find this collection on ssk.


One can divide the artists' carreer into 3 periods.







For French readers: je conseille fortement la lecture de cet excellent opus de ce vieux Bruno Blum (dont je dévorais déjà les In The City dans les Best du tournant des années 1980). J'ai mis le temps avant de me décider à le lire. Quel imbécile ! Ce livre est un voyage dans la Jamaique authentique, une passionnante leçon d'histoire. BB a une bien belle plume. Vraiment bravo. N'attendez pas comme moi, lisez ce livre tout de suite, pur plaisir garanti.


